My Learnings

Well remember I am one of the sheep from the shepherd’s herd. So even though I am out on my own, I am not used to freedom and thus time and again I need to be given directions about what to do. I mostly fear that I will fail or do something wrong and it’s funny how even though I have my freedom, I still feel the need to sneak to do a few things – like be on my gadgets !
So like mom says, “Home-schooling is not a mini school at home!” and I would like to add to that, “nor does it mean that it’s all play and no learning.”

An interesting question everyone asks me these days is, “Now that you are home-schooling, how do you schedule your home-schooling days?”
Well I haven’t got the actual answer because I don’t manage to keep up my daily schedule (my Timetable) every single day and on most days need someone to ensure that I am on track, I will share both what works and does not work for me !
I have come to realize that even if I am a home-schooler and I have the freedom to not only have a fixed timetable or the compulsion to study a fixed curriculum, the thing to be kept in mind is that I will be appearing for my 10th boards in 2020. I have chosen the State Board (S.S.C).
It’s important for me to have set hours to complete the curriculum I will be appearing for. And that to be able to complete this task I do need a basic time table to keep me on track.

Well it’s not as bad as it sounds, it’s has been a challenge for these two months for both mom and me, but we are learning everyday!
Hope you have seen My Timetable and understand how I have divided the subjects over the months, this way it isn’t very pressuring for me to study and I get to do all my other activities as well!

So my other activities are Basketball, blogging, Horse ridding, reading, writing, drawing and painting, DIY projects, Guitar, table, watching movies, going for camps.
I am that kind of person who cannot sit at one place, for me I always have to do something. I always indulge my brain to do something active like a game of chess or playing down with my friends.

So how do I fit in all this? I try my best, but it’s ok if I don’t manage to do everything that’s on the weekly timetable. I am learning now to make space for it on another day. As long as I get it done! And I do have my tutor and my mom to monitor me on that !

I study Math Monday to Sat from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. I believe doing Math the first thing in the morning is good for the brain as Math always tests our brains. In the morning I spin some wheels and get my brain working because I believe Math can be applied to everything we do in our daily life.  
Also learning tables at this time of day is the easiest for me.

Watering the plants: 
When I was asked to pick a chore I wanted to do every single day, I chose to water the plants.
My Grandmother says you can talk to plants and they will respond to you. So while I am watering my terrace garden, I play loud music for my plant friends and while they can see my moves, I can feel them smile and sway ! I also love the smell which wet soil.
Along with my gardener Ram who is 17yrs and loves plants, we have planted many flowering and vegetable plants. Coriander, mint, lemon, green chillies, roses and many more !
Ram teaches me about the different types of soils and also which plants need shade and which need the sun. I am also learning how to make manure from him, I have started collecting the wet waste at home for it.

Gadget time: This is the most debated time in our home. Mom and I never agree upon playing games on the tab. But we have come to an understanding that except for games, I can watch videos (supervised – sitting in the same room), watch a movie, blog.

That’s all for today… there are more learnings… will continue keep watching this space !

9 thoughts on “My Learnings

  1. 😀 moms are like this…
    Good luck to you am sure you will excel


  2. Good thoughts and I am sure your mother is is having I hard time keeping you on track!! Learning to make compost is a great idea as you will be able to figure out the science behind decomposing and how you can say “Thank you” to nature..And make world a better place 😀


    1. My mom is enjoy g every moment of this…. more than me at times 😉


  3. Hi which board you are persuing CBSE or IB. .Or state boards


  4. Wow Jasbir, even though you are homeschooling, you do have a great schedule! I love the fact that you start your day so early with Maths. And your “nature” project is so cool! I think every kid must learn this! Keep up the good work.


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